How to protect networks in times of uncertainty

In a matter of days, alongside numerous other disruptions, the workplace has undergone a wholesale upheaval. Instead of in-person meetings, access to local networks and fileshares, and casual conversations in breakrooms, we’re spending all our time on video conferences, using home Wi-Fi networks and trying to stay in touch with colleagues in every way possible short of seeing them in person. My workplace is even hosting virtual yoga sessions with our instructor leading us through our poses over a web session. As much as I couldn’t have imagined wanting this just a few weeks ago, today it’s a welcome break from the onslaught of bad news.

Thinking back to the network, organisations to varying degrees have been accommodating and even encouraging a remote workforce for many years now, but few organisations of size have had to deal with a large majority of their employees accessing enterprise resources entirely from the outside of their office locations. Suddenly, the VPN is the central connection point for the majority of the enterprise.

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